My name is Dustin Bailey and I grew up in the mountains of Colorado. 
Wondering around the woods, I developed a deep passion for plants, animals, and ecology as a whole. I learned as much as I could about everything from the medicinal uses of Rocky Mountain plants, the diversity of bee species in Colorado, the behavior of Red-Tailed Hawks, the rut of the elk, among hundreds of other incredible natural events. Photography has allowed me to spend even more time outside trying to capture these moments for everyone else to see.
In life, I have had many jobs and hobbies. I have cooked professionally for almost a decade, worked with a few biodynamic farms, worked in plant genetics labs, I've been a handyman, and a landscaper.  My photography follows a similar trend. I love nature and wildlife photography but I occasionally point the camera at other subjects.
There are so many cool things to take pictures of and through photography, I am able to share stories with others. In todays fast paced world, there isn't much time to listen to someones stories but a picture speaks a thousand words. 

- 3 years of restoring heirloom apples in Colorado (everything from grafting to selling)
- Owning a small business (
- Plant genetics research
- 9 years in the restaurant industry (Everything from BBQ to upscale Farm to table)
- Acting as a connector in the local food movement
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